
Honey for the treatment of wounds and burns

Honey for the treatment of wounds and burns

Honey is a highly concentrated sweet solution made by bees. It is commonly used as a sugar substitute or a flavor enhancer. Aside from this, honey is also effective in treating burns and wounds and has been used for this purpose for many centuries. We now know that honey's secret lies in its antibacterial properties.
How can honey stop the infection?

We know bacteria love sugar, but why can't most bacteria and other microorganisms grow or multiply in honey? Here are the reasons:

Acid: Honey is acidic and acids prevent bacteria from growing.
treatment of  burns

Hydrogen peroxide - When honey is put on as a bandage, it is diluted with fluids from damaged tissue and combined with an enzyme added by the bee to make hydrogen peroxide, the same antiseptic found in pharmacies. Diluted honey can be a great antiseptic because the natural hydrogen peroxide doesn't damage tissues and doesn't leave scars.

Apply honey as a bandage

Usually 20 ml (25 to 30 grams, 1 ounce) of honey in a 10 cm by 10 cm dressing is enough.

To prevent honey from leaking out of the dressing, waterproof dressings are needed. Absorbent dressings are not recommended as they will absorb honey and reduce effectiveness. Tape or bandages can be used to hold the dressings in place.

It is best to spread the honey over the bandage before applying it to the wound area.

If there are abscesses in the wound area, fill them with honey before applying the bandage so that honey comes into contact with the wound.

The amount of honey needed in the wound depends on how much fluid leaks out. Honey is useless if it is diluted with large amounts of liquid. In addition, the frequency of dressing changes depends on how quickly the liquid dilutes the honey.

With deeper infections, more honey is needed for effective antibacterial activity.

Daily dressing changes may be required up to three times a day.

Fluid leakage should be reduced with honey dressing after a few days. Fewer dressing changes are required during this time.

Honey used as medicine
Here are some common problems that can be easily avoided with the use of honey:

Appetite: Honey improves appetite in children with anorexia.

Conjunctivitis: dissolve honey in the same amount of lukewarm water. Apply as a lotion or eye wash after cooling.

Fatigue and Exhaustion - Honey is the best ingredient to get rid of tiredness and exhaustion almost instantly as it is easily absorbed into the blood. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in lukewarm water or a quarter of the remaining honey in water in a jug and store in the refrigerator.

Headaches and migraines: take 2 teaspoons with meals to avoid headaches. For migraines, take 1 tablespoon of honey in half a glass of warm water. Repeat in 20 minutes if the migraines persist.

Heart disease: honey can fight cholesterol. Pure honey, taken daily with food instead of sugar, alleviates the ailments associated with cholesterol. This is useful for the elderly, especially those with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and others.

High blood pressure: take 1 teaspoon mixed honey, 1 teaspoon ginger juice, and 1 teaspoon cumin powder 2 times a day.

Insomnia (insomnia): Take 1 teaspoon of honey with lukewarm water or milk and drink it before bed.
Bad digestion: mix honey 1: 1 with apple cider vinegar and dilute with water.

Skin: Honey is a good moisturizer. It also helps reduce skin problems like pimples.

Sore throat: melt 1 teaspoon of honey in the back of your mouth and run down your throat.
Upset stomach: Take 1 teaspoon of honey, the juice of ½ lemon with a glass of hot water in the morning.

Teeth: Although honey is sweet, it helps care for and protect teeth.
Important: Honey contains certain bacteria that can be harmful to babies. should never be given to children under one year old.

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