
Honey to cured disease?

Honey to cured disease

Most often honey helps us deal with various diseases. Of the many types of compress, honey is the most effective because it is effective for coughing, joint pain, and varicose veins. Honey compresses are also used in cosmetics.
Honey to cured disease? 

Honey compress for colds

The honey compress is an excellent remedy for coughs with colds. Cold cough is dry and wet. Different honey compresses are used depending on the cough that bothers the patient. So at the beginning of the disease, when the cough is usually dry with no sputum or with little discharge. In such cases, use a compress with a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar. For bronchitis, they make compresses from honey and alcohol. If the patient is embarrassed to have a paroxysmal debilitating cough for a long time, a compress made from a mixture of honey and warm mashed potatoes will help.

With each compress, the ingredients are heated or melted in a water bath, as each compress is essentially a healing process. In a honey-based compress, the ingredients are spread on a thin cloth or gauze and then applied to the part of the patient's body that needs to be warmed. It should be noted that when a compress is placed on the chest, it is impossible to touch the heart area.

After applying the compress, it should be covered with plastic wrap or special paper, and then the patient should be wrapped in a warm woolen scarf or towel. Do not keep this compress for more than half an hour.

Heating methods should not be used at high temperatures, even if they are slightly above normal. During the procedure, the patient should not be allowed to stay (if the room needs ventilation, it is best to do it before the procedure).

After removing the compress, the patient should clean himself, lubricate the compress with nourishing cream, and put on warm clothing made of natural fibers. It can be cotton underwear, a flannel shirt, and a thin wool tank top. So you can give the patient the dry warmth he needs after the compress.

Honey compress for inflammation of the joints.

Inflammatory processes in the joints are always accompanied by pain. To relieve the patient's condition, apply honey compresses. A mixture of honey, radish juice, medicinal bile, and grated horseradish root is used for the compress. This recipe for compresses has been used in traditional medicine since ancient times to treat osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints. Bee venom is often used in conjunction with honey for such compresses.

Honey compress against varicose veins

The honey compress helps very well in the fight against varicose veins, especially if treatment begins in the early stages of the disease when the first blue "stars" appear on the skin. Here is the recipe for such a compress: moisten a gauze compress with honey, apply the places where there are varicose veins, cover with a towel or polyethylene and secure with tape. These compresses are best done at night and treatment should last seven days.

For thrombophlebitis, it is recommended to take small amounts of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in addition to honey compresses, as this will thin the blood. Before using honey treatments, the patient must make sure that they are not allergic to honey and other bee products.

Honey compress for ear infections

Those who suffered from ear infections as children will likely remember how their mother smeared camphor alcohol on their ears. We would like to share with you the recipe for a honey compress. Take grated boiled beets and mix with honey in a ratio of 5: 1, put the mixture in a gauze bag, and apply to the area behind the ear overnight.

Honey is a compress for back pain.

Some people just prefer to rub honey on their backs to get pain in their lower back or other areas, but a honey compress is much more effective. Also, in terms of effectiveness, honey and compresses with their content exceed the effect of using expensive anesthetic ointments and gels, and even injections, many times. Then apply the compress to the sore area at night. In the morning, wash off the rest of the compress with warm water.

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