Honey - Homeopathic Treatment for Seasonal Allergies?
Honey - Homeopathic Treatment for Seasonal Allergies?
"Let food be your medicine," implored Hippocrates a few thousand years ago. If we follow the advice of the Medicine Father and combine it with a product from Mother Nature, all we have to do is look for a more perfect food / medicine than honey.
Not only is honey a delicious food (whether on its own, on toast, or added as a sweetener to other foods or drinks), it's also a germ-free product that can be used outdoors to treat burns on the skin. It is said to promote healing and prevent scarring. Honey also works as a disinfectant in treating irritated mucous membranes such as a cough or sore throat.
Homeopathic Treatment |
Since the bee's work habits are legendary (as in "busy like ___"), let's look at what our productive little friends do, how they do it, and how it affects our health and well-being. Worker bees leave their hives and stop by flowering plants regularly and frequently, usually within about a mile of their home. They extract the nectar from the flowers and pass it through their “honey stomachs”, where it is partially digested, returned to the beehive, and then vomited up for storage on the combs.
This is where the homeopathic viability of locally produced honey comes into play in treating seasonal allergies. Because honey contains pollen from neighboring plants (the same pollen that travels fly and causes tears and tissues), consuming honey is equivalent to ingesting a small amount of the irritating pollen. This will help your system build its resistance to the pollen that is causing so much discomfort for your body. That is the whole principle of homeopathic healing anyway; Treatment of a disease with small amounts of a substance which, in large amounts, causes symptoms similar to the disease itself.
How much honey should you take for homeopathic purposes? Most proponents of this method recommend at least 2-3 teaspoons a day. They also suggest that you start consuming honey a few months before the active pollen season starts in your area.
There are a few key points to keep in mind when it comes to the honey that you plan to eat. It must be 100% pure raw, unrefined, unfiltered honey that has been harvested within 80.47 km of your home. The reason, of course, is the ingredients for honey were harvested from the same plants, which will cause you more problems.
A good source of local honey is usually the local farmers market. The bright product on the shelves of large supermarket chains may be tasty, but who knows how well it was made or how much processed?
This method of treating seasonal allergies may or may not help you, but at least if you try it, you'll be consuming delicious natural food that is loaded with good things like vitamin C, antioxidants, and vitamin B-6. , Niacin and many other vitamins and minerals. Honey is also a low calorie food and a healthy substitute for sugar in your diet.
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