
Banana, lemon and honey: tips and tools for natural beauty?

 Banana, lemon and honey: tips and tools for natural beauty?

There are many abundant gifts that we can receive from herbs, minerals, and plants. Nature itself has provided us with unique skincare products. Why prefer the glamour of cosmetics when you can go for the natural and sincere means? Let's see how these things can be some form of beauty aid.

The first is the versatile lemon. This golden color has this property that enhances the user's appearance. The preparation is easy as we only have to take care of it in our kitchen. You will soon be surprised that this can be a beauty regimen.

Natural beauty

The reason lemon is so beneficial is that it contains enzymes that cleanse dead skin cells.

It would help if you did is sprinkle a little alum on and use the other half of the lemon to rub the skin. This example among aesthetic assistants is particularly recommended after a cloudy day.

Second, almost everyone knows the importance of honey, so this is no secret to everyone. Others use it for health. However, what others ignore is that it can also be used as a natural product for sensitive skin. It will be a good facial scrub. If you are interested in the procedure, mix a tablespoon of honey with the ground almonds. The finer almond is better. Its purpose is to exfoliate the skin. If it's possible to mix it with lemon juice for the next process, that's pretty good. Then massage the skin that you want to enhance. Sooner there will be more moisture due to the honey.

Another fact about honey is that it is excellent for nourishing the skin and the hair. Just add it to some olive oil and make sure it is only a few tablespoons as you will be using it daily for the best performance. What you have left is the smooth feel after washing.

Another plus is the mouthwash. As almost everyone knows, it works well for bad breath. But the idea that it will stop bleeding gums is pretty new. The reason this happens is that there is bacterial growth in the mouth.

Third, banana is high in nutritional value, but apart from that, it also has these powerful medicinal properties. Banana as a cosmetic can be used for dry skin and softening of the facial muscles.

All three can be your beauty aids. You go to great lengths to buy an expensive cosmetic product just because you want healthy skin. Remember, it's always a good idea to go natural. At the very least, you can be sure of its effectiveness with no possible side effects.

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