Start Stocking Up on Honey
Start Stocking Up on Honey
Honey is one of Mother Nature's best gifts and an essential part of your city's survival. However, buying honey is more urgent than most other items. In recent years the bee population has decreased by 70 percent and the price of honey is increasing. Scientists don't yet know why this happens, but it is likely due to a number of factors, such as the increasing number of chemicals in our environment, radiation from cell phones, and other reasons.So right now Start Stocking Up on Honey
Whatever the reason, the good news is that there is still plenty of honey available to buy and it will last forever. Archaeologists have discovered jars of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are still edible!
As with most foods, it's better to be raw than processed. Most of the honey found in grocery stores is "commercial," which means it has been heated and filtered to give it a clean, smooth appearance. Unfortunately, when honey is heated, much of its nutritional value is lost. So try to stock up on raw honey, even if even commercial honey is good for you. You'll know it's raw, by the tiny bits of pollen and honeycomb, or just by checking the label. Although it crystallizes to a thick, buttery consistency after a few months, all you have to do is heat it up with a little water to rehydrate it. Better yet, buy Tupelo honey, it never crystallizes.
What's so good about honey?
Increase the energy. The glucose in honey gives you an instant energy boost, while the fructose keeps your energy levels high for longer. Instead of coffee in the morning, try honey on toast or tea. And instead of a pre-workout energy drink, take a tablespoon of honey and drink a glass of water. It also works well and is healthier.
Strengthens the immune system. Honey is full of antioxidants and has many antibacterial properties.
It's good for cuts and burns. When honey is applied to wounds, it can keep them clean and infection-free, relieve pain and swelling, and help them heal faster. Manuka honey is considered the best type of honey for this.
Relieves sore throats and coughs. Honey is great for the lining of the throat, and its antimicrobial properties help kill the bacteria that are causing the infection. And studies have shown that buckwheat honey is just as good for a night cough as medications like NyQuil.
It can reduce allergies. In fact, ingesting honey will help you develop a tolerance to local pollen.
It can help fight insomnia. Before going to bed, mix a teaspoon of honey with a glass of warm milk.
Help you lose weight. Although honey contains more calories than sugar, it can help your body burn fat stored in your body, especially when taken with a glass of lukewarm water and lemon juice. Another method is to boil it in water and cinnamon powder in the morning.
It's good for people with high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes. In a series of experiments, scientists have shown that natural honey consumed daily can lower cholesterol levels and cause a much smaller increase. Sugar in the blood than sugar. refined.
It is good for your skin. Drinking milk and honey every morning can help reduce wrinkles and keep skin smooth and healthy.
Shorten the hangover. It is better if you don't drink a lot because you have a hangover, but it can happen to all of us and honey can help. It is pleasant on the stomach and can help the liver oxidize alcohol more quickly.
It goes very well with cinnamon. You can write a completely different list of the benefits of honey mixed with cinnamon. This mixture is good for things like arthritis, hair loss, toothache, upset stomach, etc.
It's good!
There are more benefits than the ones listed here, but you get the idea. So, when you are stocking up on groceries to prepare for upcoming urban survival scenarios, take a break and think about your health. Eating EMAs and canned foods during a disaster isn't good for your body, but eating honey daily can help make up for it. And remember, it takes forever, so get everything you can while it's affordable.
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