
Honey For Weight Loss: A Lie Or Reality?

Honey For Weight Loss: A Lie Or Reality?

If we want to lose weight, it is very important to give it refined sugar and replace it with honey. A glass of water with honey and cinnamon on an empty stomach helps us with this.

Honey For Weight Loss: A Lie Or Reality?
Honey For Weight Loss

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Believe it or not, it is possible to use honey for weight loss. While reducing sugar as much as possible is recommended, replacing honey with refined sugar can help us achieve our goals without the sweet taste.

The benefits of honey on sugar
Honey has more calories than sugar (16-21 tablespoons), but because it's sweeter, we need less. So we end up using fewer calories.

Unlike sugar, honey is very nutritious and contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In addition, it offers the body other benefits such as: B. the reduction of oxidative stress, the regulation of sleep or the prevention of respiratory diseases.

In addition, several studies link rest with weight loss, so honey is an excellent ally in this case too.

Honey is absorbed more slowly than sugar, so it is ideal for athletes as it provides them with more stable energy. It is recommended that you take it in moderation after exercise to help control blood sugar.

Honey by itself does not make you thin, but according to various studies, it has the ability to control glucose and lower cholesterol. It helps us lose weight with a balanced diet and exercise.

A delicious way to eat honey is to drink water with cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey on an empty stomach. For dessert, you can eat a chopped apple with half a teaspoon of honey. And if you want an energetic breakfast, make natural oatmeal with milk and honey.

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