Is there more than expected in honey?
Is there more than expected in honey?
Honey stands the test of time; You are not talking about the century here. Honey has been known for medicinal properties since about 6000 BC. A reference to the use of honey has been recorded for at least 100,000 years, be it in Stone Age paintings, Sumerian tablets, Egyptian papyrus, the Vedas, the Holy Qur'an, or the Talmud, the Testament! Old and new in the Bible! I thought honey could be something special beyond the chemical combination that modern science has made! What can we expect in honey?
Honey naturally contains small amounts of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements like chromium, selenium, and manganese which are needed by the body as catalysts for many reactions. These are all naturally present and the honey is minimally processed (no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives) making it a healthy sweet paste for kids.
The source of honey affects its “biological activity” and thus profit. But it has all the sweet resources regardless of the source. But it is good to show that honey is minimally processed and where it comes from.
It is a natural energy booster for kids/adults before or after a game/workout and some studies have shown that it can be better than glucose because it provides stable energy for the rapid development of athletes. This is due to the synthesis of sugar in honey - it contains a combination of fast and slow-burning sugars. So it is a good idea to replace sugar honey in baby drinks, be it a banana smoothie or any fruit smoothie.
Honey is antimicrobial (anti-bacterial) and anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation / stimulates the membranes) and helps fight common infections: colds, coughs, sore throats. Many holistic physicians prescribe honey for coughs/colds and coughs, and some studies in children have shown that it is better to suppress cough than common cough suppressants. Thus, the ginger and grandma honey cold-cough mixture have a valid scientific basis for throat and cough, honey and pepper as well as a mixture of various spices and honey.
I learned one more truth: due to a specific enzyme in pure honey, honey can act as an antiseptic when applied topically to wounds. It has even been used to treat burns!
Foods, especially sugars and starches, can improve digestion by overcoming the natural enzymes present in honey. Honey as a sweetener is more convenient than sugar because it provides some nutrients that aid digestion processes. Unlike probiotics, honey is also a source of probiotics, since prebiotics are ingredients that encourage the growth of good bacteria, while probiotics themselves are good bacteria. Numerous studies have shown that honey consumption has a positive effect on the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Honey is a simple natural remedy for maintaining intestinal health due to the misuse of our digestive system. It is also used in modern medicine to treat heartburn, ulcers, and reflux! A spoonful of honey is recommended even after a heavy meal ...!
The relationship between honey and weight loss is the most controversial; Although I can't find any scientific articles on this topic, there are many lifestyle websites and references to conventional herbal medicines (Amish, Ayurveda) that talk about the role of honey in burning fat and burning fat. General improvement. Metabolism. So, as part of the weight loss diet, honey can help people in their efforts to lose weight - one teaspoon. Honey is light water in the morning!
In the case of teenage girls, honey may be the easiest way to treat beauty. It can absorb and retain moisture which gives the skin a fresh and soft feeling. Anti-bacterial properties can help cure acne. The honey can be applied to the face and allowed to dry (about 15 minutes) and washed off with mild warm water. Beauty tips can no longer be easy!
Last on the list, but importantly, honey is known as "Yogavahi" in Ayurveda. This means that it can penetrate the deep tissues of the body. Hence, many Ayurvedic doctors recommend mixing herbal remedies with honey to help the medicine reach deeper tissues. There are over 600 recipes in Ayurveda that use honey.
After my research, I started using a lot more honey, either to treat a cold or a sore throat and partially replaced the sugar in cakes or granola bars as a spread for toast, parathas. , Breakfast cereals, milk. , green tea or just give the family a spoonful of honey!
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