Multiple benefits of honey?
Multiple benefits of honey?
Honey has long been known as a valuable food. Honey offers several benefits to human life, as evidenced by its importance in many traditions, cultures, and religions. It was used in various kitchens and baked goods, or simply as a spread. It is also used as a sweetener in many beverages such as tea and various commercial beverages.
Multiple benefits of honey? |
However, the main benefit of honey is its health benefits. Almost all religions recommend the use of honey for healing and health purposes. For example, the Holy Qur'an explains the benefits of honey in Surah An-Nahl (the honey bee) as follows:
Inspired the bees said your Lord, "Take up villas in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build. That your Lord has made easy (for you) Then eat of all the fruits and follow the ways ".From her stomach comes a drink of different colours (honey) that heals men. Really there is a sign for people who think (An-Nahl, ayat 68-69)
As they say, honey is really very valuable for health. Countless researches have shown various benefits to our health. And here are some notable benefits from honey's long list of health and medicinal benefits.
Natural energy booster. Honey is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which serve as fuel for generating energy and strength for our bodies. The two main components of typical honey sugar are fructose (38.2%) and glucose (31.3%), sucrose and maltose around 8.4%, and water (17.2%).
That it can have an immediate energetic effect Glucose is the form of sugar that cells absorb quickly and more slowly absorbed is Fructose. When both types of sugar are found in honey, this is a perfect, fast, and long-lasting energy booster. Athletes have used this benefit to improve performance, increase endurance, and reduce muscle fatigue.
Anti-cancer effect. Some research and analysis have clearly shown that certain types of honey polyphenols that have been tested in laboratories have shown promise as antiproliferative agents. However, other scientists suggest that clinical studies should follow these results for further validation before they are used in medical practice.
Antioxidant effect. Have been linked to the ageing process and disease in humans. Free radicals and reactive oxygen species. To defeat these people, try to protect yourself by eating foods that are high in antioxidants. Honey is one of the best options to meet this requirement.
A test with two honey treatments showed that the phenolic compound contained in honey increases the antioxidant activity of the blood plasma. Presumably, this will improve the protection against oxidative stress in healthy people and possibly slow down the ageing process.
Antibacterial and antiseptic effects. A study shows that honey, due to its antibacterial or bacteriostatic properties, is effective in preventing infections, in particular by slowing the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. He isolated 9 types of bacteria found in the burns, and it appears that not all bacteria grew in Muller-Hinton (MH) medium to a concentration of 30% honey.
The study shows that honey has remarkable antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, tested on animals fed honey in vitro and in vivo conditions, and shows the potential health benefits thereafter. The animals were regularly fed honey.
In fact, honey was used for wound healing in the past due to its antibacterial properties. However, with the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics in the 20th century, honey's healing properties were suppressed. However, in many communities, it is still used as a traditional wound treatment.
Other Honey-Related Antibacterial Benefits That Are Still In Use:
The right remedy for a sore throat and cough.
Good antiseptic bandage for burns and open wounds.
Antidiarrheal and promotes rehydration.
Other known health benefits of honey include: promoting blood formation, moisturizing the skin, healing insomnia (insomnia), healing stomach ulcers, and recovery from hunger pangs.
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