Use of honey in Ayurveda?
Use of honey in Ayurveda?
Honey: A natural sweetener made by bees who use flower nectar and is an excellent natural home remedy. It is relatively similar to sugar and contains fructose and glucose. The unmistakable honey taste makes it an ideal ingredient for many preparations, such as pastries and medicines. However, its taste varies depending on the source of the nectar. Honey is naturally hygroscopic (ability to absorb water).
In Ayurveda, honey is called "Madhu."
Use of honey in Ayurveda? |
Honey types:
In Ayurveda, eight types of honey are described based on the kind of bee it collects.
Pouttika: huge bees collected by Honey from the nectar of poisonous flowers. It increases Vata, causes gout and a burning sensation in the chest, calms, and reduces fat.
Bhramara: Large sticky bees harvest this honey.
Kshoudra - (honey collected from medium-sized bees) light and cold. Dissolve Kapha.
Makshika - (honey collected from small bees) very light and dry. Useful in VataKapha diseases and Kapha diseases
Chatra - Heavy and cold useful in gout, leukoderma (Shwitra),
Arghya: good for the eyes but causes arthritis.
Oudalaka: useful for skin diseases and helps to modulate the voice.
Dala: Dries up and reduces vomiting.
Therapeutic uses of honey:
1. Since it contains sugar, which is quickly absorbed by our digestive system and converted into energy, it can be used as an instant stimulant.
2. Since it is hygroscopic, it accelerates wound healing, scar tissue growth, and dries up.
3. Honey acts as a sedative and is very helpful for bedwetting disorders.
4. Honey is an excellent antioxidant that will restore damaged skin and make it look smooth and youthful.
5. Honey has antibacterial properties due to its acidic nature, and the enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide.
6. Constant use of honey strengthens white blood cells to help fight bacteria and viral diseases.
In Ashtanga Hridaya, the great classic of Ayurveda, the therapeutic uses of honey are explained below.
- Honey is very good for the eyes and eyesight.
- Quenches thirst.
- Dissolves the Kapha.
- Reduces the effects of poison.
- Stop the hiccups.
- It is beneficial for urinary tract disease, worm infestation, bronchial asthma, cough, diarrhea, and nausea-vomiting.
- Clean the wounds.
- Heals wounds.
- Helps in the rapid healing of deep wounds.
- Starts the growth of healthy granulation tissue.
- Honey from the beehive increases body weight and is a mild laxative.
- Honey that is stored and old supports lipid metabolism and scratches the Kapha.
Ayurveda explains another exceptional quality of honey. Honey is called "Yogavahi." The substance that has the quality to penetrate the deepest tissues is called Yogavahi. Precautions Before Using Honey:
- Honey should not be mixed with hot food.
- Honey should not be heated.
- Honey should not be consumed when working in a hot environment where it is exposed to more heat
- Honey should never be mixed with rainwater, hot and spicy foods, and fermented drinks like whiskey, rum, brandy, etc., ghee and mustard.
- Honey contains nectar from various flowers, some of which can be toxic. The poison has hot or using properties. When honey is mixed with hot and spicy foods, the toxic properties increase and cause a dosha imbalance.
Some home remedies with honey
- Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with carrot juice and consume regularly. It improves eyesight and is very useful for those who sit in front of the computer for many hours.
- For colds, coughs, and constipation of the chest, mix two tablespoons of honey with the same amount of ginger juice that should be consumed frequently.
- A mixture of black pepper powder, honey, and ginger juice in equal amounts taken three times a day will help relieve asthma symptoms.
- Regularly using one teaspoon of garlic juice with two tablespoons of honey will help control blood pressure.
- A glass of lukewarm water with two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice early in the morning will reduce the fat and cleanse the blood.
Consuming a tablespoon of honey every day helps us live long and healthy lives.
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